The Alternate Stitch

Unlocking the Science of Merino Wool Fibers
The science behind wool is both fascinating and intricate. So, buckle up! We’re about to step into the realm of microns and molecules to explore how nature’s original performance fiber naturally elevates your outdoor adventures.
Beyond the Big Names: Top 10 Small Mountain Towns for Hiking & Backpacking
We’re uncovering the top 10 small mountain towns that beckon hikers, backpackers, and nature enthusiasts alike. From beginner-friendly trails to rugged heart-pumping pursuits, these off-the-beaten-path gems offer up unforgettable natural landscapes, great local food, and splashes of unique culture.
Our Sock Cushions: A Complete-ish Guide
A complete-ish guide on just what cushioning is, how we make it, and what the benefits are for each type cushioning type we offer. We’ve diversified from straight-up “Cushioned” into multiple types of activity-specific padding. And it starts with Terry loops. 
Our Sock Weights: A Complete-ish Guide
Professional governing bodies recognize a total of 17 weight classes in boxing. Professional governing bodies recognize a total of 4 weight classes in Darn Tough socks. When we talk weight, we are referring to the specific yarn in the sock and the relative thickness of that yarn.
Our Sock Heights: A Complete-ish Guide
We have nine heights here at Darn Tough. Six main ones, with a few in-betweeners. Before you say Nine? Nine! That’s too many! We’ve broken down each height so you understand the benefit of each and how and when you should wear it.
Different Types of Socks: A Complete-ish Guide

There are a lot of types of socks; trust us, we know. Working at a sock company, you quickly learn that there are so many different types of socks, with no shortage of ways to group and categorize them. To make things a little bit easier, we made a (mostly) comprehensive, no-nonsense guide on all types of socks. 

Vermont Farmers Are Darn Tough
Whether it’s getting stuck behind a tractor, seeing the beautiful red barns tucked into the green mountains, or the weekly farmer’s markets, it's hard to deny how farms have influenced Vermont culture. In our neck of the woods, if you don’t own a farm, chances are you know someone who does.
Which Animal Socks Match Your Personality?

We put together a list in no particular order to help you find animal socks that align with your personality. Whether you’re the type of person who likes farm animals, owl socks, or bear socks, there is a sock on this list for you.

The Support System Behind the Pacific Crest Trail
A lot of folks call the Pacific Crest Trail a home away from home. Every year, thousands of eager hikers set their sights on the path ahead, soaking up sunshine, taking on rainstorms, enjoying the unparalleled viewsheds, and inevitably encountering a few hurdles along the way.
Why You Don’t Want 100% Merino Wool Socks
In this post we’re cover the finer points of sock materials, from yarn selection to construction, answering questions like: Is 100% Merino Wool good quality?
Can you have 100% wool socks? What percent of Merino Wool in socks is best? The answers are more nuanced than you might think.
Staff Picks: New Styles & Colors for 2024
So, for this round of Staff Picks, we took to the knitting floor here in Waterbury to find out which new pairs (and colors) people are most excited about and why.
Give Your Feet the Best Summer Ever — by Running in Merino Wool Socks.
If you’re a runner, then your dream summer is likely full of races, training plans, bucket list routes, or adventure runs. But let’s be honest — those plans are probably decided by your brain. What about your feet? When was the last time you asked them about their perfect summer?
Coolmax Socks: What They Are & Why We Knit Them
Merino Wool is the ultimate performance fiber; however not everyone wears Wool. That shouldn't stop you from receiving our Lifetime Guarantee. Learn more about Coolmax, a vegan fiber with similar properties to Merino wool.
How & Why to Keep Running in Winter
As the temperature drops and snowflakes start to fall, many runners retreat indoors and switch to treadmill workouts for the colder months. However, with the right knowledge and preparation, winter running can be an exciting experience with unique benefits that keeps your fitness routine thriving.
5-ish Merino Wool Myths, Debunked
We take Merino Wool’s reputation seriously. Why don’t more people wear wool socks? We think these common Merino Wool myths have something to do with it.
Should Running Socks Be Thick Or Thin?
Should running socks be thick or thin? We’ll lay out the pros for each, but the biggest factor is personal preference. What might work for one person might not work for another.
Fun in the Sun with High Fives at the Green Mountain Shred-A-Thon
With the warm air on our faces and soft snow beneath our feet, it was all smiles at the Green Mountain Shred-A-Thon. The day kicked off with the ringing of a cowbell in the base area, symbolizing our commitment to give it our all for the day ahead: Bell-to-Bell.
Becoming High Fives Athlete #110: Q&A with Trevor Kennison
I am proudly High Fives Athlete number 110. I am an athlete because their mission statement IS my life - I suffered a life altering injury doing what I love outdoors. I am proud to be an ambassador for them because it’s a way I can educate and support people that may or may not be going through something similar.
Making Maple Syrup in Vermont

Sugaring. For those unfamiliar with the word, it is Vermont speak for making maple syrup. But for Vermonters, it is one word that conjures emotional memories of steam-filled cabins and, for those more romantically inclined, a horse towing a tank on a sleigh through a snow-covered forest. 

How Long Do Socks Last? Understanding Sock Lifespan
How long do socks last? It’s a stumper of a question, since there are so many variables that go into their lifespan. Online, the most common answer is three to six months. If you’re thinking “geeze, that’s not very long,” likely you own a pair of Darn Tough socks.
Winter: How I Became a Skier

The apple doesn’t fall far from the frozen apple tree. Does that even work as a metaphor? Because apple trees don’t freeze, right? Ok, well you know what I mean. My mother loves the cold weather.